Alcohol contributes to the 3 major causes of teen death - injury, homicide and suicide

 "Australian statistics show that teenagers who are taught how to party safe, are more likely to protect themselves and their friends. "

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  • 1 in 4 hospitalisations are aged 15-24
  • On average, young people have had their first full serve of alcohol by the age of 15. They would also have tried analgesics for non-medical purposes
  • Friends or acquaintances are the most likely sources of alcohol for 12–17 year olds, with parents being the second most likely source
  • 17% of 15–18 year olds have had sex when drunk which they later regretted

Young people, teenagers in particular like to party

Partying may include clubbing, going to a concert or festival, having a house party or going to a party at a friend’s house, but there are many things that can easily go wrong and this includes binge drinking, gate crashing, drink driving, drink spiking, unprotected sex, sexual assault, injury, fighting, drug overdose and even getting arrested.

We support safe partying and celebrations

We do this by informing and empowering young people about responsible decision making in relation to partying, drinking and risk-taking behaviour.


We motivate young people to consider their own expectations and beliefs around responsible drinking choices.

Our tools, strategies and activities

This workshop compliments the Australian Curriculum and Child Protection Curriculum and can be adapted to suit specific concerns. The program is designed to teach young people how to party safe by:

  • Encouraging them to make positive choices when socialising and celebrating with their friends
  • Encouraging them how to develop their social responsibility within the community
  • Informing them of the latest research on alcohol use and adolescent brain development
  • Exploring the dangers and consequences of illicit alcohol and drug use and how both can affect them
  • Discussing party fights, relationships and getting home safely from a party
  • Discussing key strategies to prevent or deal with those situations
  • Discussing First Aid and what to do when things go wrong
  • Providing tips and ideas on how to party safely

We also look at what makes someone more vulnerable, the responsibilities that young people can take charge of to keep themselves and their friends safe as well as the positive and negative risky situations they may face (i.e. peer pressure, underage drinking, drug use).

The students will participate in a range of interactive activities to help them process the realities of alcohol and drug use, the role of peer pressure, the community and other influences.

Workshop activities include multi-media presentations, films, group discussions and work, role playing, games and other activities.

We can offer motivational speakers at an additional charge to compliment this workshop.  Click here for more information. 

At workshop conclusion, students should be more empowered to
      • Understand alcohol and drug use, the consequences it can have, especially with alcohol related injuries and the consequences of their bad decisions
      • Focus on the importance of making informed decisions using the harm minimisation approach
      • Have the tools and confidence to use refusal strategies and say no
      • Educate their friends, family and communities
Here are some great ideas to help you make your party safe


Before the Party
          • Register with Local Police Station or
          • Make your party an invitation only event. Tell your guests to show their invitation when they arrive!
          • Don’t advertise your party on the internet or through text messaging
          • Keep the party inside or in the back yard, not in the front yard as this encourages gatecrashers
          • Provide adult supervision
          • Have lockout times
          • Bag checks
          • Allocate a lockable room for valuables. Close off rooms you don’t want guests to use
          • Relevant phone numbers in case of emergency
          • Emergency exit areas. Clear house of fire hazards
          • Organise security or someone to be on the door
          • Remove extra alcohol in the house
          • Let neighbours know about your party and the number of people you are expecting
During the Party
          • Supervising adults/ parent presence
          • Monitor noise levels. Excessive noise will probably result with a police visit
          • Finger food served by parents – to mingle and not linger around your teen and their friends
          • Provide non-alcoholic drinks. Mocktails are safe and fun to make
          • Remember, it is an offence for alcohol to be served or provided to minors (under 18).
          • Have only one entry/ exit to make it easier to control who attends the party
          • Certain areas off limits
          • Lockout times
          • Continued security throughout the event
          • Have fun!!!!
After the Party
          • Put finish time on invites
          • Switch lights on when the party is over
          • Turn music off when the party is over
          • Group pick ups. Ensure everyone has a way of getting home
          • Plan a wind-down time leading up to the finish, turning down music etc.
          • Have taxi and bus details handy (transport info line 131 500 or
          • Clean up glass/ bottles
          • Encourage people to stay the night where and when possible
          • Check rooms that were open to guests (if someone is in trouble)
Free copy of the latest student health survey


Contact us for more details